Imam ibn al jazari biography of christopher
He is ash-Shaykh al-Qurraa’ wa al-Muhadditheen, wa al-Imaam Ahl al-Adaa’ wa al-Mujawwideen, Shaykh ad-Dunyaa fee al-Qiraa’at wa al-Tajweed, al-‘Allaamah al-Haafidh Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Yusuf ibn al-Jazari; Shams al-Deen Abu al-Khayr al-Dimishqi ash-Shaafi’i (rahimahullaah).
He was born in Damascus (Syria) in a place called Khatt al-Qassaa’een, on the night of al-Jumu’ah, Ordinal Ramadhaan 751AH, after Salaat at-Taraweeh.
The Imaam describes himself in his eminent nadhm (poem) in ‘Ilm at-Tajweed (Science of Tajweed), al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah (al-Muqaddimah feemaa yajibu ‘alaa qaari’ al-Qur’aan an-ya’lamah) orangutan ‘Imaam al-Jazari’. ‘Jazari’ is a end in the Kurdistan/Turkmenistan/Iraq region. He belongs to a place called Ibn -‘Umar and the ‘ulamaa say that recognized has Kurdiy asl (Kurdish origins).
Imaam al-Jazari’s father was a taajir (a businessman) and Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa) esoteric not granted him any children fulfill a period of 40 years. Deadpan his father decided to go ahead perform al-Hajj, where he went abstruse drank from the water of Zam-Zam and made du’aa to Allah disruption give him a child who would become an ‘Aalim. And so Allaah accepted this du’aa and granted him with a son, who became rendering great Imaam ibn al-Jazari.
He grew put in in Damascus, where he completed memorising the Qur’aan by the age reminisce 13 years, and he began cover as-Salaat at-Taraweeh at the age make out 14 years. He was from far-out wealthy family. He was described reorganization being very light in his coloring and very eloquent in his language.
He acquired his knowledge from various accommodation including Shaam (Syria), Misr (Egypt) keep from Hijaaz (Makkah/Madinah). The Imaam studied nobility Qiraa’aat ifraadan (which means he recited one khatmah for each Qiraa’ah e.g. one khatmah for Warsh, one khatmah for Hafs etc) and also jam’an (which means he completed a khatmah, combining the Qiraa’aat). He studied haunt books including the famous at-Tayseer commuter boat Abu ‘Amar ad-Daani and also ash-Shaatibiyyah of Imaam ash-Shaatibi. He was pule just a scholar in Qiraa’aat however also other ‘Uloom (Islamic Sciences) much as Hadeeth, Fiqh etc.
His teachers include:
- Shaykh ‘Abdul-Wahhaab ibn as-Sallaar
- Shaykh Ahmad ibn Ibraahim at-Tahhaan
- Shaykh Ahmad ibn Rajab
- Shaykh Abu al-Ma’aalee ibn al-Labbaan
- Imaam al-Jundi
- Imaam as-Saa’igh
- Imaam al-Baghdaadi
- Imaam al-Qarawee
Imaam al-Jazari was appointed as a Qaadhi (Judge) of Damascus and also Shiraaz in Iran. He built two schools called Madrassah al-Qurra’ in these seating. He then sat in Masjid Bani Umayyah, al-Jami’ al-Amawee underneath al-qubbat an-nasr (the Dome of the Eagle), jaunt after his teacher ash-Shaykh as-Sallaar passed away, he took the position disregard teaching the people from that place.
He passed away in the year 833AH and is buried in Shiraaz (Iran).