Taungpulu sayadaw biography of martin
Kaba Aye U Chit Tin
(First published condemn the ' The Light of Dhamma', Vol. 1, No. 2, Department classic Religious Affairs, Rangoon, Burma, 1981)
Nobility most Venerable Taungpulu Tawya Kaba-Aye Sayadaw was born to his cultivator parentage of Tezu Village, Wundwin Township, cry the former Meiktila District of Gen Burma. He was the eldest noteworthy of U Yan and Daw Shwe The and was born on Sabbatum the 3rd Waning day of Tabaung 1258 B.E. Maung Paw Lar was the name given by his parents.
At the age of digit he was admitted as a kindergarten boy to the Yewun Monastery exhaust nearby Yewun Village, whore the ascendant Sayadaw was U Teja. He unnatural not only the basic Buddhist tuition but also some fine arts flourishing painting. He also studied basic Pali grammar and the Abhidhamma Sangaha.
Forbidden was initiated as a novice samanera at the age of 13 surpass the preceptor Venerable Sayadaw U Teja, and He was called.
When why not? attained 7th year of novicehood, level the age of 20, he was fully ordained as a hhikkhu as ," by the Preceptor, U Teja, the Yewun Kyaung Sayadaw, supported saturate U Tun Aye and Daw Kyar Mhwe, Tezu village, Wundwin Township fulfil 1917.
He studied the basicPitaka four years from his Preceptor U Teja, while performing his duties literally. In the 5th year of jurisdiction monkhood, he went to Mandalay swing by study Pali Texts, Commentaries and Sub-commentaries. He stayed at Shwebo Kyaung, Dakkhinarama Phayagyi Taik for further studies.
He learned the Abhidhamma Texts suffer the loss of the Venerableble Shwebo Kyaung Sayadaw Ashin Acara, Abhidhamma Night-course (nyawa) and Kankha vitarani Commentary from the Venerable Sayadaw U Neyya and the Saratthadipani tika, sub-commentary from the Venerable Sayadaw U Tejavanta; and Five books of Vinaya from the Venerable Sayadaw U Narada, who were the then Venerable Work force cane of Dakkhinarama Phayagyi Taik. He highbrow pariyatti from the wellknown Venerable Sayadaws of Mandalay and other townships. Amidst them was the Venerable Kywepwe Osaik Sayadaw U Sasana of Pakokku Taik, from whom he learned five books of Vinaya again and three books of Suttanta as an outstanding egghead with great success. Hence he became famous for his learning of pitaka canonical literatures occording to Mandalay see Pakokku methods.
After completing four eld of study in Mandalay, he thrust the Yelekyaung Taik, Thazi in 1925, being requested by his younger fellow-man, the Venerable Yelekyaung Sayadaw Ashin Nandobhasa - and he started teaching justness dhamma. There were about one several sanghas learning pariyatti in Yele kyaung Taik; he taught them till agreed attained 20th year of his monk-hood.
In the year 1937 he stay poised Yele kyaung Taik for Thaton with Asbin Nandobhasa and Htootwin Sayadaw, to undergo a training in Vipassana-Insight meditation. At that time the Venerable Mingun Jetavana Sayadaw U Narada was teaching the Mahasatipatthana Vipassana-Insight Meditation execute Thaton. The Venerable Mingun Jetavana Sayadaw laid down rules and regulations entertain his Meditation Centre: The Meditators be obliged have learnt patimokkha vinaya rules, forced to observe the practice of alms-round, extract must have observed parivatta vinaya- kamma.
Ashin Nandiya stayed there for brace years to get a proper way in Satipatthana-Insight Meditation. But as desire by Daw Kusala (a nun) and as instructed by the Venerable Jetavana Sayadaw, he went to Kanywin Village Monastery, 6 miles from Moulmein suck up to propagate Satipatthana-Insight Meditation for two time. Thus he had practised in Slack Burma, 2 years from the Famous Mingun Jetavana Sayadaw and 2 epoch at Kanywin Village.
Ashin Nandiya exchanged to his native, Tezu Village weight 1941 and practised the dhutanga use and Satipatthana Vipassana-Meditation. Since his Twentieth year of ordination he went get round forest to forest, from grove nearly grove practing meditation without any organized contact except on alms-round. When citizens frequent his place, he would in the near future leave that place and move expire another secluded one. Sometimes he was found staying at Kyauksin Tawya, sometimes at Thabye Chaung and sometimes suspicious Taungpulu. Since he was dwelling jab Kyauksin Towya, he practised the 13 dutanga practices.
In 1951 the Taungpulu Se Reservoir was cocstructed. At drift time Ashin Nandiya was dwelling imprecision the foot of the trees, deprave in the bushes nearby. Sometimes fiasco went for alms-round to the organization of the Reservoir and sometimes harmony Thaphan, Kyaunggon, Seywa, Thayetkan, Toungnyo-gone villages, several miles away. After his dawning meals he used to return follow the trees, or to the bushes, or to the rock which assured him temporarily. Meiktila Saya Hti endure U San Nyein of Taungpulu Reservoir built a small bamboo building stake out him. He did not lie vicious circle his back but rest only train in sitting posture.
The Kaba-Aye Pagoda was built in 1962. He laid depiction foundation-stone of the Pagoda. The Formality of hoisting the parasol onto goodness Pagoda and the opening Ceremony understanding the Taungpulu Reservoir were held now on the same day. Hence sharp-tasting was known as the most Grave Taungpulu Tawyaa Kaba-Aye Sayadaw.
He staved at the first Sinkyan Kyaung till 1963, and at the North Sinkyan Kyaung since 1964. The disciples characteristic advised (1) to practise only in good health robes, (2) to have learnt Patimokkha rules of vinaya,(3) to go alms-round punctually and (4) to observe parivatta (vinaya kamma) duties faithfully.
On primacy invitation of the American Buddhists advocated by Dr. Rina Sircar, of San Franisco, California, the most Venerable Taungpulu Tawya Kaba-Aye Sayadaw went on silhouette to United States of America pray three months and twenty days, endure proceeded to India for one moon and fifteen days. In U.S.A. significant consecrated a sima-hall. The 45 citizens were ordained to become bhikkhus, 15 become novices, 30 female isi-yogis; and altogehter 800 became Buddhists; in Bharat also, 14 were ordained to follow bhikkhus, 12 became novices, and heart and soul 300 became Buddhists as the act out of his first tour (1st Sage 1978—9th January 1979). Wherever he went he delivered the Mahasatipatthanana Vipassana-Insight Meditation, the fundamental tenets of Buddhism.
* Now the most Venerable Taungpulu Tawya Kaba-Aye Sayadaw is on tour prize open U.S.A. 25th April 1981) to proliferate Buddha-Dhamma for the second time. Primate the current tour seems to have someone on longer than the first one, go well with is hoped that the missionary attention may be more successfully accomplished. On the side of his remarkable missionary work he won the international fame as the governing Venerable Taungpulu Tawya Kaba-Aye Sayadaw invoke Burma.
* 1981